tocca group andy vassilianna

From Santorini to Rovaniemi: Andy’s and Vassilianna’s Journey to a New Life in Finland

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to move your entire life to a new country?

It’s a step that not many dares to take. Andy Ruci and Vassilianna Liakou, a couple from Athens, did.

In December 2022, they left Greece behind to start a new chapter in Rovaniemi.

“We both worked in Santorini for six years before coming to Finland,” Andy reminisces warmly.

After gaining diverse experience in software engineering, the winery industry, and restaurants, the couple has found their way to current roles as waiters.

“The interaction you get with people is what excites us. We love learning about different cultures and hearing why people choose to visit your restaurant. We’re people persons,” Vassilianna explains.

Now working at Arctic Restaurant and Monte Rosa, restaurants in Rovaniemi, the couple has embraced Finnish culture, Tocca Group’s supportive environment, and a bright future in Finland.

“There aren’t many scenarios where we would go back to Greece,” Andy reflects.

tocca group andy vassilianna

Moving from Greece to Finland

Andy’s and Vassilianna’s journey to Finland began, quite literally, by chance. While working in Santorini, a Facebook advertisement about job opportunities in Finland caught Andy’s attention.

“In mid-December of 2022, I sent our CV’s to Tocca Group’s contact person in Greece,” Andy remembers.

At the time, there weren’t many positions available because the season in Finland had already started. However, Andy received a response he’ll never forget.

“Incredibly, that same evening, we got a call offering us two open positions.”

Four days later, the couple was on a flight to Rovaniemi.

“We packed our belongings, booked tickets, said goodbyes to our families, and moved to Finland,” Vassilianna shares.

Initially hired for a winter season, they returned to Greece for the summer. However, their connection to Finland was far from over.

“In October 2023, we came back to Rovaniemi. Tocca had secured permanent positions for both of us at the same restaurants we had worked in before,” Andy tells.

From that moment, Finland became their new home.

tocca group andy ruci
tocca group andy vassilianna

Respect and Balance Matter at Work

The transition from Greece’s demanding hospitality sector to Finland’s more balanced approach was a significant shift. Reflecting on their time in Santorini, Vassilianna explains that long hours and almost no days off were simply the norm.

“People are used to working 3-6 months in a row without a single day off. They work, save money, and then go back home to take some holidays.”

“Overwork and long days were physically and mentally exhausting,” Andy remembers.

Both agree that the working conditions in Finland are much better. What might seem surprising to Finns is that, in Greece, overtime hours often go unpaid. Evening shifts rarely come with additional compensation.

“The whole idea of double pay on Sundays – we first heard about it in Finland,” Vassilianna says.

While the financial differences are notable, it’s the working atmosphere that has had the greatest impact. For Andy, it’s the respect and friendliness that truly stand out.

“Here, colleagues thank you for your work. People are thankful for your time spent at work. That was mind-blowing thing for me,” he says, and continues:

“When we arrived, people helped us settle in, offering their phone numbers and saying we could reach out anytime. It made us feel welcome from the very first day.”

The warmth extends beyond work hours.

“We’ve had chances to spend time with colleagues, share stories, and receive genuine help whenever needed,” Vassilianna shares.

 “Some say Finns are cold, but that’s not what we’ve experienced at all,” Andy adds.

Tocca Group: Support from Day One

When arriving in Finland, Vassilianna admits she was feeling uncertain. However, those fears quickly eased.

“I think we got very lucky when coming to Finland. The connection between us and Tocca Group has been there since day one.”

From the moment Andy and Vassilianna landed in Finland, Tocca Group went above and beyond to make their transition smooth.

“Pyry and Pekka came to pick us up from the airport. They showed us the apartment they had arranged, let us rest, and introduced us to our workplaces the next day,” Andy recalls.

The couple emphasizes how Tocca Group understood the challenges of adjusting to a completely new life. Switching to a completely different system takes both time and patience.

“Tocca even helped with formalities, like getting a Finnish tax card, opening a bank account, and navigating a tax system that works so differently from what we were used to.”

Efforts didn’t stop there. For Tocca Group, one main value is to focus on building a sense of community for its employees.

The couple also highlights Tocca’s community-building efforts.

“At the end of the season, they organized an ice fishing trip, visit to a reindeer farm, and outdoor cooking event. We met other Greek colleagues, which made us feel connected even in a foreign land,” Andy shares.

Vassilianna adds, that personal touch is what truly sets Tocca Group apart.

“They call us from time to time to check in and make sure everything is going well. We’re not just a source of income. Instead, we’re genuinely taken care of.”

tocca group rovaniemi

Building a Future in Rovaniemi

With permanent jobs and growing confidence, Andy and Vassilianna now see Finland as their home.

They’ve embraced the challenges of adapting to a new country, including learning the language.

“We’ve started taking Finnish classes at the University of Lapland. It’s painfully funny,” Andy adds with a grin.

Looking ahead, the couple is clearly excited about their plans. They hope to buy their own apartment – and start a family.

“It’s all thanks to people who trusted us and helped us settle in, especially Tocca and our colleagues at work,” Vassilianna reflects.

Andy sums up their journey:

“We moved to a completely different country in our 30’s. It was a high-risk, high-reward decision, but it’s paid off. For anyone considering a big change, our story shows it’s never too late to try.”

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